Message from Board President Armenta and Vice President Earley
Despite a global pandemic and the unprecedented healthcare challenges of the last few years, the Physician Assistant Board (Board) continues to make significant strides towards serving and protecting the consumers of California through licensing and enforcement of laws governing the Physician Assistant (PA) Practice Act. It is fair to say that 2022 was a highly productive year.
Under the direction of Executive Officer Rozana Khan, the Board has made unprecedented advancements in securing full staffing, which has not happened in decades. With our high achieving experienced staff members and the selection of new hires, our Board is one of the most efficient and effective boards in California. The Board has also implemented new branding with a modernized logo emblematic of its accurate representation of the PA profession. With significant technological advancements in license verification, a modified BreEZe system allows licensees to request and submit payments for license verification online. This process increased efficiency, reduced the carbon footprint, decreased cashiering times, and ensured ease of access for California PAs.
The Board published its first edition of the Physician Assistant Board Insider electronic newsletter in the spring. A source of communication to applicants, licensees, and consumers, the newsletter brings awareness to online services offered by the Board, and the Board utilizes social media platforms to disseminate Board-related information. Outreach events with partners such as the California Academy of PAs (CAPA) have increased the presence of Board staff, to provide information to licensees and students, and disseminate booklets and materials on the laws and regulations relating to the practice of PAs. Future events of this caliber will strengthen our connections with our stakeholders and the PA community.
On behalf of the California Physician Assistant Board members, we look forward to an even more productive 2023 as we continue to innovate and promote excellence within the State of California, the country, and the world.
Thank you for your ongoing efforts to represent the best of our wonderful profession in practice, scholarship, and service to others.

Juan Armenta, Esq., President

Sonya Earley, PA-C, Vice President