Message from Board President Armenta and Vice President Earley
Though 2021 was again filled with unprecedented healthcare challenges, the Physician Assistant Board can report that significant progress was made in Board affairs. The Board believes this progress will help all Physician Assistants (PA) to continue delivery of excellent care to California residents and improve care access. Under the leadership of new Executive Officer Rozana Khan, the Board has achieved full staffing levels adding some excellent personnel. Another point of progress is that as part of the re-authorization process, the Board was given autonomy from the Medical Board of California and is now an independent board which provides greater flexibility.
Finally, with outstanding work of our legal and regulatory staff together with valuable input from stakeholders, the Board adopted a new regulatory package governing PA practice. We are confident the new regulatory package will provide added value to the healthcare matrix in terms of care access, efficiency, and rules clarity while fulfilling our primary mission mandate of protecting California’s consumers. The Board thanks EO Khan and her staff for their excellent work in a most challenging environment.
Throughout 2021 California’s PAs have shown exceptional resilience and dedication to service amid the pandemic and they all merit the gratitude of the Board, staff, and consumers they serve. The Board remains confident and optimistic that California’s PAs will continue to set an example of excellence in healthcare practice in 2022 and beyond.
The Board thanks you all and looks forward to a productive 2022, no matter what challenges California faces.

Juan Armenta, Esq., President

Sonya Earley, PA-C, Vice President