How to Apply for a Physician Assistant - Full Licensure

To apply, you must submit the application using the BreEZe online services system.

  1. Answer all questions
  2. Pay all required fees.

To complete the application process, the Physician Assistant Board (Board) must receive the items below. Contact the appropriate program or organization to proceed with the items you are not responsible for submitting:

  • The physician assistant (PA) training program must submit a completed Physician Assistant Training Program Certification directly to the Board by mail or by email. This form is mandatory and cannot be substituted. If you were previously licensed by the Board, the form will be pulled from your licensing file; a new form is not required. Transcripts are not required and should not be requested or submitted to the Board.
  • Physician Assistant National Certifying Examination (PANCE) Score. You are required to log into your National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA) account and authorize the electronic release of your PANCE score. The Board does not require physician assistants to maintain NCCPA certification; therefore, licensing is based on a passing PANCE score. Do not authorize the release of a letter verifying certification or the PANRE score as they do not fulfill this requirement. If you were previously licensed by the Board, the PANCE score will be pulled from your licensing file.
  • National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) Self-Query Report.
    Applicants are required to place a Self-Query order with the Federation of State Medical Boards’ (FSMB) Practitioner Direct portal by visiting Practitioner Direct allows applicants to submit an NPDB report electronically to a state medical board. From the top of the FSMB home page, select “For Physicians” option. Under Licensure Services, select the “Practitioner Direct” option. Create an FSMB account and select the California Physician Assistant Board (Board) as the recipient to receive the NPDB Direct Report. Please be advised that you will be required to enter information pertaining to your education including the date of graduation. You will receive an error message if you enter a future date or leave this field blank; please use the current date to complete this field. The Board will receive notification when an electronic report is ready for download. For assistance regarding the process, please contact the FSMB directly by calling (817) 868-4010 or emailing
  • Regardless of the status, individuals who have been licensed, certified, or otherwise registered in any state, country, and/or with any federal agency as a health care provider (e.g., PA, RN, EMT (state), EMT (National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians), CNA, CPT, etc.) are required to request a verification. You are not required to use the Board’s Verification of Licensure form when requesting a verification as the Board accepts other agencies’ verification forms. The Board will not accept verifications submitted by applicants.
  • Business and Professions Code section 144 requires applicants to complete a criminal history record check by submitting a full set of fingerprints and the fingerprint processing fees established by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Statute prevents the results of the criminal history record check from being sent to an agency other than the agency who requested the criminal history record check; therefore, applicants are required to complete a criminal history record check even if previously fingerprinted in the state of California.
    • If living in, or visiting California, please fulfill this requirement by completing a Live Scan.
      • Complete the Request for Live Scan Service form (PDF) before visiting a certified Live Scan location. The fingerprint processing fee and service fee are paid directly to the Live Scan facility at the time of service. The Board will not accept a Live Scan completed in another state.
      • Live Scans are processed by the DOJ and the results are typically transmitted electronically to the Board within 1-3 business days.
    • If you live outside of California and cannot access a Live Scan site in this state, you will need to complete your criminal history record check using the hard card fingerprint method.
      • Obtain two (2) fingerprint cards (FD-258) directly from your local law enforcement agency, authorized agency, or contact the Board by calling (916) 561-8780 or completing the Contact Form.
      • Complete all areas on both cards as indicated in the example (PDF).
      • Visit a local law enforcement agency or agency authorized to provide fingerprint rolling services. The fingerprint impressions must be distinct from each other as the DOJ and/or FBI may reject fingerprint cards containing identical impressions.
      • If the fingerprint card processing fee was not paid when applying for licensure, please a include check, cashier’s check, or money order payable to the Physician Assistant Board for $49.
      • Mail completed fingerprint cards to the Physician Assistant Board for processing. Do not fold the cards:
        Physician Assistant Board
        2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 2250
        Sacramento, CA 95815
      Fingerprint cards are submitted on a weekly basis to the DOJ/FBI for processing. The results of your background check are electronically transmitted to the Board within 2-4 weeks.
  • Birth Month Licensure Request (PDF). This form should only be submitted if you would like to wait until your birth month to be licensed.

You are personally responsible for all information disclosed on your application, including any responses completed on your behalf. An application may be denied based upon falsification or misrepresentation of any item or response on the application or any attachment.

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